Taiwan bonsai


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New Mexico, AHS heat zone 5
I went to Taiwan last month and tried to find interesting bonsai venues. You'd think it would be easy in Taipei, a city of six million, but some of the best leads seemed to be outside of Taipei. The best I could come up with in the time I was there was the Jianguo Holiday Flower Market, a weekend market for plants, flowers, gardening supplies, fresh fruit, and bonsai. The bonsai ranged from typical mallsai to spectacular trees. Prices ranged from a few bucks to $8K, or $9K. Here are some photos, some with my Metro card for scale.

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I've never seen anything of that high quality for sale at a market (or anywhere, in my limited experience) in the US.
Those would cost an arm and a leg in the US that probably why you don't see them for sale in the US.
Your second post, first tree. I was looking at it a few ago but I didn't think it worth the price at the time.

The city is too built up for many growers to have the space they need. Many growers are a little further south in Taiwan where weather is slightly better than Taipei. The market you went to is awesome for supplies and pots as well.
Your second post, first tree. I was looking at it a few ago but I didn't think it worth the price at the time.

The city is too built up for many growers to have the space they need. Many growers are a little further south in Taiwan where weather is slightly better than Taipei. The market you went to is awesome for supplies and pots as well.

It's a cool little tree - such tight foliage. If I remember correctly, it was priced higher than the larger shohin juniper at the end of the first post. Do you belong to a club? I may be back next year, are there any big shows coming up?
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