Suprise, a shimpaku


Reaction score
Virginia beach, VA
What are the chances of a big box store having something like this! Went for paint and found a lone little shimpaku. I almost missed it as it was only 10$ and pretty small. So I thought it was a pretty sweet score, even if it'll take a few year to make something of it. Pardon my quick phone shots

Hell yeah Giga.

If you ain't lookin', you ain't finding!

Work it well!

And there you have why I crawl the nurseries and big box stores... It is the thrill of the treasure hunt and the occasional score.
It's been a while since I've had a shimpaku but I'm 99.9% sure it's a shimpaku, plus it was labeled juniperus chinensis. I don't always trust big store lables but everything looks like shimpaku
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Hell yeah Giga.

If you ain't lookin', you ain't finding!

Work it well!

And there you have why I crawl the nurseries and big box stores... It is the thrill of the treasure hunt and the occasional score.

I know I can't help myself, I'm at a point where I have plenty of trees and yamadori lined up that Im not really looking to get new trees. I always have more room for little guys lik this though
Tanuki? Or where did you take the deadwood parts?
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