Summer pine repot


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Southern NJ
I got these three 2-needle Bosnian pines (Pines heldreichii leucodermis) at Home Depot for $10 each, and am thinking of repotting into pond baskets now with more inorganic substrate. The second pic shows the healthy but severely root-bound soil ball. I know that these are not great material for bonsai but they were cheap so I wouldn't mind doing some experimenting.

Given temps here at the beach are 75-90 degrees now in mid-July, should I slip pot these, do some root work, or leave alone until the spring?


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. I know that these are not great material for bonsai b

Douchebags that, ah let's go bigger....

The same douchebags who complain about cultural appropriation are the ones condemning non-Japanese pines because they themselves are stuck in some clown world of actual appropriation.

Those are the same "geniuses" who are going to convince you it's not safe to Repot now, when that pine will sit and do nothing all summer/fall BUT grow roots for next spring.

Anyone who actually considers these unworthy, with their excellent low growth and youthful vigour, is a friggin moron!

Repot em appropriately now, and if they die, I'll give you a hundred dollar off code for some pots, which should be worth at least $50 if you don't dig my work, that'll keep your benefit over double the cost.

Repot em appropriately now, and if they die, I'll give you a hundred dollar off code for some pots, which should be worth at least $50 if you don't dig my work, that'll keep your benefit over double the cost.

Ha ha ha ! Love your posts. :cool:

I have two Pinus mugo that I'm thinking of repotting next week. I won't ask for the $100, but if it works, I'll deserve 25 👍, don't you think so?...

I don't know about conifers in general, and nothing at all about "Bosnian pines", but I've often read by savvy bonsai growers that Mugo pines are best repotted in July.

OK, the temps here were 33.6°C (91.4 F) today, and we could reach 40°C (104 F) tomorrow or on Tuesday, so perhaps I'll wait for next week...

Apparently, it's the same in Portugal and Spain, but more surprising, in some parts of Britain too the 40°C could be reached, which would be an all-time record.

So much for the climate change deniers...
Scorce is going against his own advice, which is to wait until the absolute last minute to do something to your tree.

Which is fairly good advice.

1. Do the trees actually need to be repotted? From the looks of it, no. They look very healthy, in their current condition. I always chuckle when people talk about root bound on a super healthy plant, like it's healthy for some other reason unrelated to the root condition. The roots are in great shape and that is reflected in the above ground growth.

2. What is lost by waiting until the appropriate time to repot? I'd argue the weakened state the tree will be in after a summer repot, you're likely sacrificing growth over the next year, at least compared to leaving alone or repotting later.

Idk who has said anything about Bosnian pines being bad or non Japanese pines being bad, I haven't seen that on this forum recently.
Scorce is going against his own advice

Technically...😉...I'd be recommending someone else go against my advice....

Which is such a greater Internet Sin!🤢 🙌🔗


Since death of design is always worse than death of a tree and since nursery pots are a 99% sure negative to a good or future Nebari, which only leads to more time in them equating to more roots that will have to be removed in the future, which adds to horticulture negatives, removal from a nursery pot is always urgent to the present in this case, or the next waning moon in most others.

Slip potting is stupid because it doesn't address any design.

So since every action should always address equal parts design and horticulture......

I'm not actually going against or recommending outside of my advice.

Besides, I don't have to bribe folks to do anything outside my advice, cuz that would fall directly into what everyone else would recommend anyway!

Technically...😉...I'd be recommending someone else go against my advice....

Don't worry, I don't connect to the web evry day, but I still eat meat, though much less than before and have a a beer or two every now and then, but fewer at the same time, and going against anyone's advice is still on my list. Huh huh... Especially if they can take my contradictory opinion with a good sense of humour.
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