Sugestions for this Japanese quince?

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Ive wired them into a semi cascade earlier in the summer. Just feeling a bit reluctant, should I keep going or aim for a different style?


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Welcome Aboard Bonsai Nut!

Looking at the tree it seems to me your intuition is right on. That’s a harder push to pull off for any young Japanese quince when you are first starting off. It’s possible, yet imho the tree will need to gain much more trunk girth on the trunk, which will take quite a number of years to accomplish.

Suggest thinking about a more upright style using a combination of mostly clip and grow, focusing on creating lots of gnarly primary movement and some wiring as needed.

Perhaps shoot for a basic design like the tree shown here as a basic framework, then clip and grow to ramify secondary and tertiary branching to fill in the design. The trunk will slowly fill out over time.

With quinces one has to be even more patient than usual bonsai work, take your time and keep thinking about the long game.

btw: Keep working on wiring technique. Here’s a basic series to help guide your efforts.
Once this is down solid check out this video.

DSD sends
Are you sure that's a Japanese quince? I know I am along way away but something doesn't look right to me leaves, bark, growth pattern.
Wondering about that also as these images certainly echo evergreen azalea…. but don’t want to be accused of “everything looking like an azalea to DSD”. 😉

For OP. A couple comparison images.

Azalea on left (Azaleas Kaho no Homare in first image and Nikko in second image) and Toyo Nishiki Japanese quince on right. Note differences.


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