Styling advice for my quince? Much appreciated!

Nice flowering quince. Looks like it might be the cultivar 'Scarlet Double Take' or it might be 'Iwan Nishiki'. There are a dozen other double flowered scarlet quinces but they are not as common in the USA. Do you know what it is?. Doesn't matter for the horticulture, but if you do have the information, you will want to know that latter down the road.

IF you would like a thicker trunk, don't prune it. Let it keep growing another year. If you don't care, then you could prune it back. Myself I would let it grow another year. It is relatively easy, only 3 or so years to get thumb diameter trunks on these two cultivars I mentioned. For most flowering quince, getting a really thick trunk is not possible, 1 to two inches diameter is pretty much the max in a limited amount of time.

Long term, think about whether you want a single trunk, or whether you want a clump style, with multiple trunks. Chaenomeles, flowering quince, will send up many suckers from the roots which can be used to make a multiple trunk grove. Or you can remove the sucker trunks, cutting them off at ground level to keep the specimen a single trunk tree. Up to you. Both 'Scarlet Double Take' and 'Iwan Nishiki' make pretty decent single trunk trees if you keep after the suckers.

Also think about size. Shohin - under 8 inches? Medium size - over 8 inches, somewhere under 36 inches. Large size - above the 36 inches.

Note most flowering quince are usually kept in the small and medium size ranges.

So tell us what you want.
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