Style Suggestions on this huge Yew


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New Jersey
I found this Yew tree being discarded by a landscaper. I’ve had it potted for 2 months and it’s doing well, new growth. I took it to experiment and practice drastic bending on, but I’m still a rookie and was curious if anyone had any advice on styles that could work for this Yew. I know it’s tough with just photos, but essentially it’s a 4 in trunk diameter at the bottom that splits into 3 useable sections. It’s about 5 feet tall at peak. I have about 3 options that I’m considering but wanted some advice from the experts if possible. I tossed some wire on it haphazardly just to get a better look, it’s just temporary.E6EAAF38-1F62-4DD8-8363-75E77215A6E8.jpegAE7B33BE-CFEE-422E-A7D4-C42561DFC97D.png
My problem with chopping these down is the case of reverse taper present them at the bottom, where, if you leave them tall, the length negates that bit of reverse taper.

I'd see if you can find 3 different sized trunks and leave them tall, don't even bother bending them.

Leave as much growth as possible, but start building your future tree with crotch branches, little stubs.
Keep the "final" branches within 6-8inches of the trunks, and these can look super big.

My problem with chopping these down is the case of reverse taper present them at the bottom, where, if you leave them tall, the length negates that bit of reverse taper.

I'd see if you can find 3 different sized trunks and leave them tall, don't even bother bending them.

Leave as much growth as possible, but start building your future tree with crotch branches, little stubs.
Keep the "final" branches within 6-8inches of the trunks, and these can look super big.

Thank you for that. Love that idea. much appreciated.
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