Strange green growths on my kishu juniper seedling trunk.


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Phoenix, AZ
Hi everybody! Long time/1st time here.
I have a kishu juniper seedling that I wired. When I went back recently to unwire it, I noticed something very strange. There are small green bulbous growths on the upper portion of the trunk. They almost look like buds, but they're not. They're getting bigger and looking odder in the last week.
If anyone has any idea what they are, please let me know. Your time is greatly appreciated. Thanks


  • 20240119_142302.jpg
    99.1 KB · Views: 129
Welcome to the site!

It almost looks like a tree canker - which I have never seen on a sapling before. Do you have a photo of the entire plant?
Welcome to the site!

It almost looks like a tree canker - which I have never seen on a sapling before. Do you have a photo of the entire plant?
Thank you, yes I have a full tree pic.


  • 20240119_163417.jpg
    264.5 KB · Views: 118
Looks like callous. Did you pluck/pull any foliage tufts/shoots from those areas? If you pulled them off and there were little tears where the shoots came from the tree is trying to repair those wounds and what you’re seeing would be the callous tissue.
Looks like callous. Did you pluck/pull any foliage tufts/shoots from those areas? If you pulled them off and there were little tears where the shoots came from the tree is trying to repair those wounds and what you’re seeing would be the callous tissue.
No, I used scissors to clean the tree, but I do not believe there was anything there. I actually only had to trim off a little crotch growth. I wanted to leave as much foliage as possible.
I too think it's just callus tissue.
Some types of rust produce a green growth in winter, but I would say that the most logical answer is probably the right one: there was some damage from wiring or clipping and it's healing.
Yea. Doesn't look like cedar apple rust. That usually looks like little green peas on the foliage then they explode into these orange jelly structures in the spring.
Well, ok, thanks to all for your replies. if it is callous, should I just leave it alone or do something?
Well, ok, thanks to all for your replies. if it is callous, should I just leave it alone or do something?
Leave it alone, it will heal over nicely and even out when the rest of the plant thickens.
Nothing to worry about and cutting callus tissue usually results in more callus tissue, good for healing scars! But if you keep damaging it once it's healed, the callus tissue will grow as a newly evoked healing response.
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