They're all solid English walnut, finished with linseed oil. Hand carved with a pocket knife and Dremel. These are my very first ever batch of potter's tools, and I made them with
@HorseloverFat and his particular style in mind.
BTW, Leo, it can take quite a while for linseed oil to cure, so I wouldn't get those TOO wet until the end of January. Don't imagine that would be an issue for your crafting style, but if you were throwing on a wheel I wouldn't have shipped them yet.
The rib panicked me a bit trying to get that curve right. The end processing had me sitting for a couple hours running it over a sheet of sandpaper like sharpening a knife.
The knife I tried to think outside the box. This is where my very limited knowledge of pottery helped I think; no clue how to do it wrong. The blade is double sided, concave and convex, allowing for a wide variety of work with a single tool rolled in the hand.
The texture tool he's holding in the pic is a double ended experiment. One end is a two bladed knife, the other a hooked fork. In hindsight there are some features to the shape I would change. Let me know what you think.
HLF has already given me allot of useful feedback, and I'm looking forward to hearing more. HONEST REVIEWS ONLY!!!!! Good or bad, I need to know.
If anyone else is interested in joining my beta test group you can PM me, and we'll work something out.