Species and Troubleshooting x


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Hello everyone xxx Bonsai newbie and lover here!

I'm here today to ask if anyone knows what species my bonsai is? (I lost its label)

And also to ask for some advice. I've had her home for about a month now and I dont think shes liking her new environment very much. I see some new growth, especially on the upper part of the tree but shes still losing a lot of foliage. I don't water that often because I was told its better to underwater than over water but I mist her at least once a day. The leaves tend to yellow and drop off... some of the ones that are hanging on have small, dark speckles on them.

I'm trying to find the balance. I'd love any tips and tricks 💚🌿🤞


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Where do you live? that's important to know for advice.
Both under- and overwatering can kill a tree. It looks pretty dry.
What kind of soil is it? Best is a very draining soil, should that are clay-like are bad.
Where do you live? that's important to know for advice.
Both under- and overwatering can kill a tree. It looks pretty dry.
What kind of soil is it? Best is a very draining soil, should that are clay-like are bad.
Hey! I live in Ireland and it's pretty cold here at the moment but I've been trying to heat my room. And I have no idea about the soil 💔 it came like this... I would describe it as kind of peaty, it appears to be very draining as sometimes when I accidentally give it too much water it drains out the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.
Welcome another Paddy:) nice one
Soil looks like coco mix, but i would expect regular garden soil around the roots,
And if soil is dry and you water it to much, the water wont sink into the soil, it would go around and through drainage holes.
Sageretia theezans - sometimes called Chinese sweet plum, it has a number of common names. The Sageretia has a reputation as a being difficult. Some people do really well with them, some can not keep them happy, Its native to southern China. It likes warm humid summers, with at least some sun, 4 or more hours of sun. Cool to cold is winter is just fine, provided it stays above freezing. In bonsai cultivation, it is always treated as a tropical & kept frost free for winter. But temps down to just above freezing are fine. So don't worry about your home being too cold for it, as long as you keep your home above freezing it will be fine.

In winter it is normal to drop some leaves.

Watering. Best method is to take the tree to a sink. Flood the pot with water, let drain 2 or 3 minutes, flood the pot with water again, let drain for a little while. Check to make certain all the soil is wet. Then return the tree to its windowsill or spot under the grow lights. This method makes certain all parts of the soil are wet, with no "dry pockets".

Use your finger, dig in 2 cm or so, in several spots in the pot to check and see if it needs water. If it is wet, don't water. If it is "bone dry" you should have watered yesterday.

Check daily to see if it needs water, water only when it needs to be watered.
Sorry, she's not a she, she's a they. XXY
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