Soil staying too wet, should I replace soil now?


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Ive been noticing that the soil in all my other bonsai dries out (on the surface at least) after 1 warm summer day.
My maple however, has not gotten water for 2 days while it has been very hot and dry outside and still the soil feels moist to the surface.

I want to replace the soil that the tree came in with some well-draining bonsai soil.
Would it be safe to do now, mid summer, if I don't disturb the roots all that much?
The tree has gotten a good pruning a few weeks back and its growing vigorously now.
Japanese Maple, no. You can drill some holes in the soil and dribble some coarse substrate in the holes like pumice or lava. You can also elevate the pot.
This is only a suggestion based upon my experience. There is no definitive answer for a plant that cannot be viewed and examined. But I feel that repotting except it the most extreme circumstances is not a good idea right now.
How about a photo? It would be helpful. Seeing the container can also contribute to moisture management ideas.
Don't repot now. Just water less often. Fix the soil issue early spring at next repot.
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