Soil fine waste products


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South-West England
Hi there, relative bonsai newbie. Been sifting my arse off all potting season and I'm left with a load of soil fines. The inorganic fines I've been using for seeds/cuttings, and even as cactus soil (surprisingly effective), but the organic fines get too waterlogged.
Can anyone suggest uses for the organic fines (e.g. in the garden)? Seems a shame to bin them.
Organic fines, actually mineral fines too, can be dumped in the vegetable garden. Turn them under before planting in spring. Earthworms and such will finish the job of incorporating the fines into your garden soil. Or throw the fines on your compost heap and mix in.
I use the diatomite fines as pest control for my veggies and flowers.. i openly sift OVER those areas.. I have seen that dust take down Bumblebees, mid-flight. :( ... I WANT those bugs, damnit!
I spread it on the lawn. After a good rain, there's nothing left.

Too bad that we haven't had a good rain yet this year.
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