Silver Birch from Seed Progression

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London, United Kingdom
Opening this thread up to keep track of the progress this silver birch makes.

April 6th 2019 seeds beginning to sprout

January 2020

April 2020 nebari beginning to take shape on one of the strongest seedlings

August 2020 before and after sacrific branch chop

December 2020 after two more major chops

April 2021 2 years after sprouting the progress is quite fast, going to let it grow wild until mid summer then cut back
Birch....a very fascinating tree really. You've found your skills with this species. I admire the trees in the wild. It will be good to witness your success on the path with Birch trees.
Birch....a very fascinating tree really. You've found your skills with this species. I admire the trees in the wild. It will be good to witness your success on the path with Birch trees.
I definitely admire them in the wild too just thought I’d experiment with trying to create a miniature version... using trial and error I still have a few more from the same batch but this is the best one by far.
A little update on this birch that’s growing vigorously.

Been using 25-5-10 fertiliser seems to have really boosted the growth and thickness of the trunk.

Picture 1 - shows massively elongated growth which is good for thickening the trunk.

Picture 2 - April 2021

Picture 3 - June 2021 massively thicker with lots of healing taking place over an old cut.
How are these doing today? Any new pictures?
I’ll upload some more pictures tomorrow of how it’s looking now. It responds really well to hard pruning around June every year so even though it looks harsh it bounces back.

still unsure where I’m heading with this one as I don’t like the overly straight section of the trunk so that will need to be removed for a lower bud.

repotting 2022

As leaves we emerging 2022

June 2022 before and after cutback
If you ever need more I have ripped out roughly 5,000 seedlings of these this summer and there are still tons around
If you ever need more I have ripped out roughly 5,000 seedlings of these this summer and there are still tons around
Any chance those seedlings are still around? Silver birch are on my list.
I just grabbed some seeds from a neighbor's tree a couple days ago and they are stratifying in the fridge right now!

From what I am reading, they like compost mixed with garden soil? Is that what you used to germinate?
Another year another repot slightly larger container than last years but unsure on where to take this tree next. I want to create a really natural looking tree, a birch you would see walking in a forest but I just can’t get that vision into the tree.

The nebari is looking on its way, it’s just where to take the trunk/branches that I’m a bit lost at.

Buried the surface roots a little deeper than last year as I made some cuts at the back to induce some taper into the roots.


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Ive been tempted to dig mine up and put it in a grow box. It produces catkins every year, but im sure once its in a box ill never see the catkins again, such is the way. Its also starting to develop the White bark. Its Betula Pendula
Ive been tempted to dig mine up and put it in a grow box. It produces catkins every year, but im sure once its in a box ill never see the catkins again, such is the way. Its also starting to develop the White bark. Its Betula Pendula
This ones only 4 years from seed but it’s been in relatively small pots that whole time, I cut back hard every June but want some buds lower down that I just can’t seem to get
I wouldnt bother with the lower branches, your tree looks headed towards a high canopy, along these lines is the way I would go with it
Great progress so far. I have one in the ground and one in a pot. Both found on my property. I tried some from seed last year (yellow birch) they didn't really grow well. I will see what survived. Trying some paper birch this year.
I wouldnt bother with the lower branches, your tree looks headed towards a high canopy, along these lines is the way I would go with it
Yeah that’s a nice looking tree that has given me some direction definitely.
Great progress so far. I have one in the ground and one in a pot. Both found on my property. I tried some from seed last year (yellow birch) they didn't really grow well. I will see what survived. Trying some paper birch this year.
I started a whole batch of these from seed and so many sprouted, but I’ve tried a couple of times since then to grow from seed and haven’t had any luck
Midsummer cut back again for this birch.


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