Show your tools and equipmonk.....

You know how wildly misinterpreted this CAN get right
I thought he was adding it to the water, for the trees


I've had enough of your antics Lance....
It is not funny when you chance people's trees with this madness.

I'm gonna show you my can!20151128_103044.jpg
Deer Season opens Monday, we use the innards for fertilizer. Camouflaged Beer cans are a tradition in these parts! Nothing better then a store that sells Guns, Beer, and Ammo!

Deer Season.JPG

What do you use the backpack sprayer for.
We have them at work for spraying agent orange (well,not agent orange but that is what we call the herbicide we use).
What do you use the backpack sprayer for.
We have them at work for spraying agent orange (well,not agent orange but that is what we call the herbicide we use).
I use it to water as well. And get in a little workout, it starts out a bit heavy....
DSC00737.JPG DSC00739.JPG DSC00738.JPG

I'm gonna make a harness of old fanny packs and attach some shoulder straps...
Macjr just became a camelback!!

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