I have been using G and B bonsai soil for about a year now, and mixed in some pumice and other coarse lava rock (not that much though) it has been successful for all of my trees(some conifers, coleonemas and boxwoods), but i am considering if i should replace the soil on all my bonsai with the usual ackadama pumice and lava rock mix, even on the newly potted saplings which i just potted a month ago. I put an example of what the soil looks like on one of my trees, it is a coastal live oak. The reason i am considering it is becuase i am weary of root rot, and I was wondering if i should replace the soil now before spring ends, or should i even replace it at all, because i do not want to mess with the process of the saplings getting established in the pot. Right now in my part of CA it is super hot, and i think having some soil moisture is okay currently, because it's currently 90 degrees.