Shohin Willow Leaf Ficus

I've found that my willow leaf ficuses will hold their leaves most of the winter, but will eventually start shedding interior leaves and sometimes weaker interior shoots - unless I thin them out to get more light inside during the winter.
I've found that my willow leaf ficuses will hold their leaves most of the winter, but will eventually start shedding interior leaves and sometimes weaker interior shoots - unless I thin them out to get more light inside during the winter.

Exactly my sense about them too. A light thinning before winter and lots of light until you get them back out of doors. They don’t grow mock in the greenhouse, but they don’t drop many leaves either.

Sorry to thread-jack, but I keep my WLF in pretty neglected conditions through the winter, east-facing basement window, under the deck. It gets almost no sun, no supplemental light, no increased humidity, like a houseplant. It sheds about 1/2 the interior leaves through the winter and doesn’t grow at all, but also doesn’t show signs of suffering. I set it in the shower every 3-4 days and soak it down. My winter is also pretty short, inside from mid-November to late March.

Scott, yours is looking good. I’ll have to remember this technique.
Congratulations, and thank you for taking the time here for your very helpful advice and instruction.
Getting ready for the show. This tree will be part of one of the shohin displays. Thinking about changing clothes - I’ll repot right before the show.
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And I defoliate the whole tree a couple of weeks ago to force a new flush of growth.
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Scott my WLF is no where close to as nice as yours but it held all its leaves this winter and they are looking ragged. Would it be a good idea to totally defoliate it now in zone 7? It is 4 years old and putting new growth at the branch ends.
Scott my WLF is no where close to as nice as yours but it held all its leaves this winter and they are looking ragged. Would it be a good idea to totally defoliate it now in zone 7? It is 4 years old and putting new growth at the branch ends.

I do not recommend totally defoliating a tree in development.

Awesome tree! Can you explain your process for healing big wounds with ficus? What sealant? Do you re-score each year or anything different? Looks like you did some work to keep this one healing....


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Hi MH. I rescore the wound every year and apply this stuff:

First defoliation a couple of weeks ago.

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This little tree looks dope man. Inspires me to buy a similar looking one from my local nursery. I saw it the other day but didn't get a chance to really study it yet. I'll try to take some photos and maybe you could give me your thoughts on its potential?
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