Shohin School, Jan. 27-28 2024, Portland Oregon


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Shohin School
Register here, 80 spots only!

January 27-28, 2024

Milwaukie Center: 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Dr, Milwaukie, Oregon

Headliner Daisaku Nomoto, along with Andrew Robson and Jonas Dupuich, will lead a shohin-focused weekend covering the basics of shohin bonsai.

Activities include (full schedule TBD):

  • Shohin display review & Advanced display topics
  • Shohin containers
  • Shohin critiques and demos
  • Time for working on your trees
What you bring:

  • Shohin bonsai for display exercise (up to 5)
  • Shohin bonsai to work on (optional)
  • Bonsai Tools and wire (if you plan to work on your trees)

  • 9-5 Saturday and Sunday
Meals are not included. We encourage you to bring food, use delivery services, or visit a nearby restaurant.

Vendors will be on hand with shohin-related items including trees and containers.

Attendance limited to 80 participants.

Optional Assemble-Your-Own-Stand Workshop Friday, January 27, 2024

David Knittle will be hosting Assemble-Your-Own-Stand Workshops the day before Shohin School opens at Rakuyo Bonsai Garden.

David will provide kits that you glue and assemble in the class.

Friday, 9:00a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  • 5-tree stand 31" wide x 31" high x 9.5" deep Cherry ($1000)
  • 5-tree stand 31" wide x 31" high x 9.5" deepEbonized Vermont Maple ($1200)
Friday, 11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.

  • 3-tree stand 31" wide x 22" high x 9.5" deepCherry ($650)
  • 3-tree stand 31" wide x 22" high x 9.5" deepEbonized Vermont Maple ($750)

Friday, 2:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

  • Cascade stand 1 - 6" x 6" x 16" high - straight leg Walnut with dark rosewood finish ($325)
  • Cascade stand 2 - 6" x 6" x 18" high - leg curved at foot - African rosewood, dark brown with subtle red undertone ($375)
  • Stand 1 - 12" x 8" x 8" high - Nicaraguan rosewood, medium dark brown. The highly figured wood enhances the design - ($325)
  • Stand 2 - 12" x 8" x 6" high - African rosewood, dark brown with subtle red undertone - ($375)
I’m thinking I need to be there…it almost seems too early for me to be thinking about displaying trees, so I was thinking about just registering for Sunday, but I might as well take the dive.
I’m thinking I need to be there…it almost seems too early for me to be thinking about displaying trees, so I was thinking about just registering for Sunday, but I might as well take the dive.
Nao and I will be hawking pots. He has lots of new designs debuting that weekend :)
Nao and I will be hawking pots. He has lots of new designs debuting that weekend :)
Definitely looking forward to saying hi if I end up going! Would also love to get one of those BNut pins you made…
My parents visited for Thanksgiving, and while I was showing my collection to mom, she said "why don't you have more cute little trees, I like the little ones." I mentioned I was thinking about going to this event to learn more about cute little trees, and she INSISTED on paying my registration fees.

Just booked a hotel! Can't wait, 2024 is going to be a big year for my bonsai education.
My parents visited for Thanksgiving, and while I was showing my collection to mom, she said "why don't you have more cute little trees, I like the little ones." I mentioned I was thinking about going to this event to learn more about cute little trees, and she INSISTED on paying my registration fees.

Just booked a hotel! Can't wait, 2024 is going to be a big year for my bonsai education.
Your mom is The Best. ☺️
Who is attending who doesnt have a Bnut button?? Just a few weeks away! Most of the David Knittle workshops are all full.
Who is attending who doesnt have a Bnut button?? Just a few weeks away! Most of the David Knittle workshops are all full.
hellooo it’s me!

if I was in town, and also had the space for a shohin display shelf, I’d definitely be signing up for one of those last spots.
hellooo it’s me!

if I was in town, and also had the space for a shohin display shelf, I’d definitely be signing up for one of those last spots.
I will make you one. ☺️
I’m expected to bring a few trees, right? I think I’ll bring my 4 trees that are the right size and in pots (two shohin and two mame) but they don’t have much else to them besides a pot. I don’t know much about the agenda, but excited to meet some folks.
I sent an email to Jonas a couple weeks ago, as the registration is on my mom's email (thanks mom, 💖), but I was wondering if those who are registered have received any additional details. I'm especially curious about the Saturday morning schedule, as I'll be driving down from Seattle that morning...and I'm not a morning person. Can't wait!!
I sent an email to Jonas a couple weeks ago, as the registration is on my mom's email (thanks mom, 💖), but I was wondering if those who are registered have received any additional details. I'm especially curious about the Saturday morning schedule, as I'll be driving down from Seattle that morning...and I'm not a morning person. Can't wait!!
All I know is registration opens at 9! I would like to know when the lunch break is, that might be when i need to jet back home to the kids. 🥲
All I know is registration opens at 9! I would like to know when the lunch break is, that might be when i need to jet back home to the kids. 🥲
What that means is people start buying pots and stuff from vendors when the doors open For reg, so try to get there at 9/before.
Would be very difficult to attend this if not within driving distance.
Trying to figure out how to bring 5 shohin on a plane, would be problematic
The scheduleeeeee

Dear Shohin Enthusiasts,

Thanks for signing up for the Shohin School Winter Seminar! Here's an update about what to bring and how the weekend will work.

What to bring

  • One or more trees for creating practice displays in the following sizes:
    • Shohin (up to 8”)
    • Kifu (8”-12”)
    • Chuhin (8”-18”)
  • Trees don’t need to be show ready; you can select one tree for the super critique
  • Display stands and accent plants for practice displays (if you have them)

Although you don't have to bring trees to attend, we encourage you to bring your shohin bonsai as the more trees we have on hand, the more options we'll have for creating beautiful displays.

Some shohin bonsai and pre-bonsai will be available for purchase over the course of the weekend. Our vendors include:

  • John Eads, Left Coast Bonsai (bonsai and pre-bonsai)
  • Mary J. Lai, Sansokuu Arts (bonsai pots)
  • Andrew Robson, Rakuyo Bonsai (bonsai and pre-bonsai)
  • Nao Tokutake, Tokutake Ceramics (bonsai pots)
  • Jonas Dupuich, Bonsai Tonight (tools, pots, shohin stands, trees, and soil)
  • David Knittle (display stands)

Friday's workshops will be held at Michael Hagedorn's garden (we’ll send additional info for stand workshop participants under separate cover). Saturday and Sunday sessions will be held at the Milwaukie Center, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Dr, in Milwaukie, Oregon.


  • 9:00 - 11:00 5-tree stand workshop
  • 11:00 - 1:00 3-tree stand workshop
  • 2:00 - 4:00 Cascade stand and small stand workshop


  • 8:00 - 9:00 Staff and vendor set-up
  • 9:00 - 10:00 Registration and vendors open
  • 10:00 - 12:30 Shohin display topics (lecture and practice)
  • 12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
  • 1:30 - 3:30 Shohin display topics cont. (lecture and practice)
  • 3:30 - 4:30 Strategies for building a shohin collection
  • 4:30 Finish and clean up
  • 6:00 Dinner at Corner 14 Foodcarts, Spirits & Brew, 508 14th St, Oregon City


  • 9:00 - 10:00 Vendors open
  • 10:00 - 12:30 Shohin creation and demonstrations
  • 12:30 - 1:30 Lunch
  • 1:30 - 2:30 Evaluating shohin bonsai and displays
  • 2:30 - 4:30 Tree critiques
  • 4:30 Finish and clean up
The super critique is an abbreviated critique forum to offer quick feedback about your bonsai. The session will run approximately 2 hours during which Andrew, Jonas, and Daisaku will answer quick questions and provide design feedback to put your shohin bonsai on a path to becoming a beautiful tree.

One more thing: if you're in the Portland metro area, on Tuesday, January 23rd Daisaku & Andrew will be doing a program for BSOP which will be a great appetizer to the weekend. And on Friday, Rakuyo Bonsai will be hosting an open house to view the studio and garden the afternoon before the Seminar begins. We invite you to enjoy the garden and have tea with Daisaku and the organizers. If you’d to visit Andrew or Michael’s garden Friday, please RSVP by emailing Andrew at

Please let us know if you have any questions. In the meantime, we're looking forward to a great weekend!

Jonas Dupuich & Andrew Robson

Milwaukie Center address:

5440 SE Kellogg Creek Dr, Milwaukie, OR 97222
Would be very difficult to attend this if not within driving distance.
Trying to figure out how to bring 5 shohin on a plane, would be problematic
I have flown with a lot of plant matter and Nao bought a huge maple back from nationals.. .Under the seat in front of you is most protective, second is a box or stiff duffel in the overhead. It is annoying but not impossible. 🥲
I have flown with a lot of plant matter and Nao bought a huge maple back from nationals.. .Under the seat in front of you is most protective, second is a box or stiff duffel in the overhead. It is annoying but not impossible. 🥲
You have transported 5 trees at once that way? How many carry ons were you allowed?

One tree at a time, sure, maybe two if you check everything else but 5?
You have transported 5 trees at once that way? How many carry ons were you allowed?

One tree at a time, sure, maybe two if you check everything else but 5?
I haven’t flown with bonsai (nao has, and my dad flew back home with a larger size one also). I guess it also depends on the size of your shohin, I was thinking the smallest size type would work fine as a carryon. 🥲
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