Serissa Indoors with grow lights?


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Los Angeles, California, USA
First Bonsai here! Just wanted to know the feasibility of growing specifically a serissa indoors? I got this plant blind and didn’t realise how finicky it is, so right now I’m trying to master keeping it happy and healthy that before going into bonsai techniques.

I’ve seen recommendations for grow lights on other threads, but are there any smaller ones? I could always get those large rectangular ones and grow my tropicals with it but I would prefer to keep it alone for aesthetic reasons.

I can also put it next to a south facing window and supplement with grow lights.

Beyond lighting, any other tips for keeping a serissa indoors (or outdoors if need be) would be appreciated :D

This is one I’ve found:

This is one I’ve been using for my tropicals, with great success.
There are more than the giant grow lights these days. You can get LED strips or just broad spectrum light bulbs. I saw a very expensive (2K) seedling stand that could be made for less than $100. It was basically a cheap Home Depot plastic shelving unit with glued on LED strips. The strips go for under $50 on Amazon. And depending on your creativity, craftiness, and taste, you can creat a very interesting light stand.

I’d suggest searching Amazon for LED plant lights and maybe you’ll find some inspiration.
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