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This is a Ginseng Ficus, that I believe I got some time back from a Home De-pot.
Up until now, I had transferred it to a grow out pot, and have just been allowing for Ariel roots to grow. This month I decided it was time to start working on it. First up, was that I needed to get it into a shallow container. So, the roots were sawn flat at the base of the trunk. The Branches were reduced in size, and a few wired. My plans for the next year with this tree, is mainly to begin to establish shape of the canopy. Which should not be to hard, seeing that I am half way there... 7.5 inch jin pliers for scale. Thanks!
Thought I would share, seeing that often it is said, that these aren't any good for making Bonsai out of...
I think this will end up being a very nice tree!
Aren't ficus great that way!? Great looking tree and greater it will look in the coming months.
Once that canopy fills out that will be great!

Proves even the worst of tree species can make great bonsai with a little more effort.
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