Seeking Shimpaku Styling Suggestions


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Louisiana, USA
I just bought this 'pre-bonsai' from a bonsai nursery. I have really done anything to it other than throw some wire in. I'm kind of stumped on where to go with this though. I'm new to the art of bonsai and am struggling to see the tree in its final form. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Shimpaku June 2023.jpgShimpaku back June 2023.jpgShimpaku angle pic June 2023 .jpg
Well well well lol
Yes? Do you have anything constructive to add? Or are you here simply to belittle someone who is humbly asking for advice and clearly stating that they are new? I would prefer the former
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Why not put some more wire on there? See where it takes you.
There is a tree in there, and it's up to you to seek it out.
Wire the branches too, figure out a tree, and work back the foliage (take cuttings!).
Why not allow free growth until trunk has some size🤔. Preferably in ground.
I like the look of the initial trunk line. Not so much the sweeping bend above the first branches but that can probably be tightened up a bit.
How to go forward depends whether you want a quick but not quite as impressive bonsai or are prepared to go the longer road for a much better tree with impressive trunk.

As always, online styling may not be the best option due to us not always seeing all that's there in 2D photos. Always check for practicality and better options in the real tree.

Here is some very quick ideas for the tree for short term style.
shimpaku 1.png
Remove blue branches as they compete with the better lines of the trunk. leave short jins.
Lower 1st branch and shorten it.
Shorten 2nd branch even more to make more movement to the right.
Reduce and lower apex. Wire out smaller branches to fill the canopy.
Develop a smaller back branch???
Some shari on the trunk to go with 1st jin?
Wire main trunk and try to tighten the lazy bend. Bring main trunk above 1st branch a little more forward while tightening that bend.

For the longer term development probably leave the 2 blue branches as sacrifices to help thicken the trunk. Plenty of feed and attention to maximize growth for a few years to see what happens.
I like the look of the initial trunk line. Not so much the sweeping bend above the first branches but that can probably be tightened up a bit.
How to go forward depends whether you want a quick but not quite as impressive bonsai or are prepared to go the longer road for a much better tree with impressive trunk.

As always, online styling may not be the best option due to us not always seeing all that's there in 2D photos. Always check for practicality and better options in the real tree.

Here is some very quick ideas for the tree for short term style.
View attachment 493810
Remove blue branches as they compete with the better lines of the trunk. leave short jins.
Lower 1st branch and shorten it.
Shorten 2nd branch even more to make more movement to the right.
Reduce and lower apex. Wire out smaller branches to fill the canopy.
Develop a smaller back branch???
Some shari on the trunk to go with 1st jin?
Wire main trunk and try to tighten the lazy bend. Bring main trunk above 1st branch a little more forward while tightening that bend.

For the longer term development probably leave the 2 blue branches as sacrifices to help thicken the trunk. Plenty of feed and attention to maximize growth for a few years to see what happens.
My plan as of now is to let it grow and thicken. I was just unsure of where to take it long term. Unsure of how I should direct the current growth before it all totally lignafies and becomes immovable. Not really looking for a short term outcome
I just bought this 'pre-bonsai' from a bonsai nursery. I have really done anything to it other than throw some wire in. I'm kind of stumped on where to go with this though. I'm new to the art of bonsai and am struggling to see the tree in its final form. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

View attachment 493792View attachment 493793View attachment 493794
Before making any decisions I would go get a subscription to Ryan Neil's site -- Bonsai Mirai -- and watch his tutorials on functional wiring and aesthetic design. Then go in and start to thin some of the foliage out between the pads, add your wire and play with it a bit. As a fellow beginner, I've noticed I need a bit of trial and error to 'find the design' so to speak. Seeing the tree for the forest when you're starting out isn't easy. Just need to dive in and stumble your way through it.

To me, this tree feels like it sets up well for a bunjin approach. Lot of movement with abrupt transitions in the trunk. Top heavy branching.

Don't be afraid to make decisions. Mistakes are how you learn. Just make the health of the tree your first priority.
Before making any decisions I would go get a subscription to Ryan Neil's site -- Bonsai Mirai -- and watch his tutorials on functional wiring and aesthetic design. Then go in and start to thin some of the foliage out between the pads, add your wire and play with it a bit. As a fellow beginner, I've noticed I need a bit of trial and error to 'find the design' so to speak. Seeing the tree for the forest when you're starting out isn't easy. Just need to dive in and stumble your way through it.

To me, this tree feels like it sets up well for a bunjin approach. Lot of movement with abrupt transitions in the trunk. Top heavy branching.

Don't be afraid to make decisions. Mistakes are how you learn. Just make the health of the tree your first priority.
I do find my self getting into paralysis and unable to make some decisions lol. I'm too scared i'll screw something up.
I do find my self getting into paralysis and unable to make some decisions lol. I'm too scared i'll screw something up.
newbie thinking.
There are always more options. We actually need to make decisions to improve our trees. Failing to decide can halt progress.
Getting some more experienced advice and help can make it easier to make decisions on how to move forward. Check around your area for clubs or other Bnut members who should be able to hold your hand as you get started.
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