Seeking feedback/input on my first bonsai... White Cedar, Thuja occidentalis!!!!


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So I've been into horticulture for quite some time and have been reading up on bonsai as much as I can lately and decided to take the plunge today. I purchased this White Cedar and a nice japanese maple from the local Agway today. The maple will need a truck chop but that's for another day.

As soon as I got it home I started pruning, then wire some of the lower branches. I used general training wire since I could find the appropriate wire at Lowes, my impatience got the best of me, but it worked OK, and I'll get better stuff when I can (if anyone has advice on where to buy/order wire, or specific brands, that would be really helpful.). As I need to wire the apex of the tree and the trunk as well.

I think it turned out relatively well and should fill out a bit this summer. The trunk already had a nice curve to it, though not all that thick, and the bark already looks old and gnarled. Should make a nice small scale bonsai. There's a couple exposed roots and I left a large portion of a branch that I'll work into a jin, I hear cedars are great for dead wood.

Andy feedback/advice/compliments/criticism would be greatly appreciated!!!
Will post more photos as it comes along.

Before pruning:

After pruning:

After wiring some branches:

Exposed root and pruned branch to make into a Jin:
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Welcome to the forum!

I don't have much time right now, but I did want to say that doesn't look like thuja occidentalis to me, unless it's a cultivar I'm not familiar with. If you do a google images search for thuja occidentalis, you'll see what I mean.

As for wire - here is a recent thread with some good info:

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Yea, it didn't look like one to me either, which I was surprised when I read the tag. It's definitely some cultivar... Thuja occidentalis 'Rheingold' or Rheingold Arborvitae. It has small needle type foliage as opposed to the scale type foliage, which I think will make nicely for a bonsai...

Thx for pointing me in the right direction on the wire front.
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Looks good. I don't think its a thuja.. Almost looks like a cypress or juniper.

As far as wiring. There is copper and aluminum. Copper holds better so you would not need as thick of a gage of wire as you would aluminum. However, aluminum allows you to change things and can be bent even after it has been bent once. Copper, should not be bent after it has been set. If you change your mind about something, you would probably have to cut it off and rewire. Especially with thicker gauges. If you try to re-bend copper it could do damage to the tree.

I have never seen a thuja occidentalis that looks like this. I am with October on the ID. Cypress/Chamacypress, Cryptomeria, maybe juniper. Anyway you will have to learn about how to get this tree transplanted and growing in bonsai soil at the right time in order to really develop it. I usually wait on lots of cutting and training until I achieve this--saves on heart breaks.
Yea, I know it's still in the original pot... but the thing was basically a bush when I got it and had no idea how it would look as a bonsai till I cut away about 95% of the foliage and was pleasantly surprised! So I figure I'll let it be for quite some time and let it gain some strength before I attempt to pot it. Do you think I should remove the wire and just let it be for now, and rewire it after I pot it?

Oh and haha I know it looks nothing like a Thuja, but it might be... Here's a link to an info page on the specific cultivar ('Rheingold'): http://www.missouribotanicalgarden....ils/kc/f950/thuja-occidentalis-rheingold.aspx

It looked pretty similar to those photos before I went to town on it, except for the flattened scale foliage on the larger one... is it possible mine still has immature foliage? I don't know, I'll have to do some research. Either way I think it has alot of potential.
My approach would be to strengthen all this year by strong fertilization(chemical/ and fish emulsion). Letting it grow. Remove wires if they dig in. Try not to pinch it. Scissor prune only to keep it open if it turns into a green ball. Repot into quality soil next spring.
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