Rubber Tree - Cleaning leaves when Inside for Winter


Bonsai Nut alumnus... we miss you
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South East PA
Rubber Tree - Need advice on cleaning the leaves indoors when wintering :confused: Is there prefered methods or chemicals or eco friendly home recipes?
Take them out when it is not too cold and spray with water. ;)

Not an option in the Northeast soon as Winter approaches. The tree is Ficus Elastica(probably a bush) and the only winter option I have is placing it in front of a kitchen window so it collects a bit of dust, etc. I don't need a shine so I guess this will be tedious at best (kind of large) :p

One leaf at a time *sigh* :eek:
Just rinse it off under the kitchen sink...
If you are like me I have one of those retractable spray nozzles...
If not, just put it in the shower.

Now that could work :) the Plant is over 4 foot tall and I have an "extra" shower with a hose/spray attachment not to far from where the plant resides in the Winter here! Sometimes the obvious escapes me :o
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