Rough Bark Scion


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Minneapolis, MN
I bought an Akaji Nishiki gallon and when I got it to my surprise it had rough bark scion! My first thought was get this tree growing, air layer above the lowest branch and hope it's not too late to pop a bud on the scion... Sure I have Nishikigawa, Arakawa, Hubble's Super Cork, but they are barely starting to Cork. This is a gallon I just got so it can't be more than 2-3 years old!20240607_131203.jpg20240607_131149.jpg20240607_131142.jpg
Interesting. I'm not an expert on maple grafting technique, but is it possible that the understock is not even a JM? There are several other species that can be used as understock one or two are Korean natives and are used to impart a little more winter hardiness.

Terminology: scion = top part grafted onto understock
Understock = the portion of a grafted tree providing the roots and lower trunk.

If I were you, I would contact the source of the tree and ask them what understock was used. Often you have to email the wholesaler, as the retailer will not know and not have time to track it down. Usually tags list wholesaler's name.
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