Root over rock ponytail palm

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Franklin NC
Has anyone heard of someone trying a root over rock ponytail palm? I've just started a root over rock ponytail palm experiment because I think it'll look really cool but when I got to the roots they were not how I had imagined. Can this be done sucessfully with a ponytail pallor am I crazy?
In my experience, the roots of ponytail palms will not thicken up enough to be able to plant on a rock. Plus, there will not be a smooth transition between the bulbous trunk part and the roots anyway, so it will not look natural.

In my experience, the roots of ponytail palms will not thicken up enough to be able to plant on a rock. Plus, there will not be a smooth transition between the bulbous trunk part and the roots anyway, so it will not look natural.

That's what I was thinking. Thank you.
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