Root aphid problem. What has worked for you?


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Santa Rosa , California
Hi Yall,

With various different products on the market, I wanted to see what yall were using to rid your bonsai of aphids? Did it work? I understand that most people use preventative measures before a problem occurs, but sadly I overlooked this and now a few of my trees have a small root aphid infestation.

I was watering my japanese maples this morning and noticed an aphid feeding on some new foliage on the lower end of the trunk. I dug down in the soil a little bit and found more aphids crawling around. I don't think its gotten out of hand yet, but I have noticed recently that all my acer palmatum maples have had spots of there new growth eaten away. Same with my trident maple. They are looking a bit sad/stressed. Any advice, recommendations, or input is appreciated
I just use neem oil or lightly soapy water. They are such soft body creatures, it don't take much to control them.
Withholding water enough so that the soil or substrate dries out almost completely between watering can help a lot to eliminate the little buggers
Withholding water enough so that the soil or substrate dries out almost completely between watering can help a lot to eliminate the little buggers
Gotcha. So they like when the soil is moist. I will try it out as well. I dont think the infestation is out of control yet. It was a bit alarming to see them crawling around in the soil though since I have noticed my trees looking a bit stressed this past week.
Thanks, I will definitely try it out. Will it help rid aphids that are in the soil as well?
I don't know mate. I've never had them in the soil...not that i'm aware of anyways.
TBH I don't have much knowledge about them as i've not had bad infestations yet. I try to stay on top of anything as soon as I see it...only using natural means.
Contact pesticides like oils do not affect the bugs in the soil. Those treatments will only kill the aphids it touches above ground.
The only way I have been able to get rid of below ground pests is with a systemic pesticide. That spreads right through the tree, including the roots so will kill all pests that suck on the tree roots, leaves or branches.
I really like imidacloprid for aphid control. It provides really consistent control, and lasts a long time inside the plant. It is effective against root aphids if used as a drench.

It is not available as an option everywhere, and is restricted to pesticide license holders elsewhere.
I believe @wireme has used nematodes to combat root aphids, but it could be a different pest I'm thinking of.


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