Restyle of a Slingshot Juniper

Interesting approach. Have you thought about keeping the trunk with the most character and jinning the other?
Interesting approach. Have you thought about keeping the trunk with the most character and jinning the other?

That would have been my suggestion from the start. But what you've done is good practice at the very least.
Hello Stacy.. I like what you have done and also where you are going with this tree. I particularly enjoy seeing material, that many would pass on, become future nice bonsai. I also utilize cheap, troubled or problem material to make nice bonsai. Oddly enough, I just saw a tree at the nursery recently that looked almost identical to this.. Seeing this thread was ironic.

Looking at the tree now, some still may have doubts.. However, when the whole tree is wired and the branches are brought in and movement added. I believe this will be a very nice future bonsai.

I am impressed with your ability to bend branches. Nice work.
Whoa! Quite the transformation, looks like a different tree. Nice work, I like where it's headed.
I think that you need to lighten at the least the size of the first branch, by carving some of the diameter away, it's too heavy for me, but doesn't completely ruin it. Option 2, for me would be lose/jin the branch. The rest of the tree doesn't need that branch, and stands on it's own.
I agree, and while the bending is impressive, I'm not fond of the wide sweeping curves everywhere you look.

Big thing now is to see if it survives all of this.
Hey Stacy! Just wondering how this juniper is doing and how it recovered from all those bends?
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