Questions regarding Chinese Elm tree


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Hello folks

Recently re-potted my Chinese Elm tree and while it's looking healthy and all, it seems a smaller tree started growing as well; (photos attached bellow). By the time I'm posting this it's gotten even taller and definitely looks like a small Chinese elm wannabe tree.
So, my questions are:
Is this normal? Does this happen often? How does this happen/What caused it?
And more importantly, what do I do?? Do I leave it alone? Is it going to grow and fight over for water and resources with the main tree and choke each other out?
Much appreciated for any information.

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That does not look like a elm seedling. Probably just a weed. Yank it and keep moving.
For a start that smaller plant does not look anything like a Chinese elm to me so I'm guessing it is just a weed. You can leave it to grow a bit bigger to get a better ID but not elm.

Sometimes new Chinese elms do pop up after repotting because Chinese elm is really good at growing from root cuttings. Sometimes during repot some roots are cut but not removed from the soil and those can then shoot. Definitely no what's happening here.
Say hello to it....

Say hello to your little friend.

Welcome to Crazy!

Thank you all for your replies. I've taken another photo of the seedling and tried to compare it to images I see online. Looks similar to me?
I guess what Im mainly wondering about is, is it a threat to the main bonsai? The roots competing etc.

Not much of a threat but I don't know why you would want weeds growing with your pretty little tree.

Oh, too, your elm won't do very well on the window sill in the long run. It should be outside in the real sun.
Thank you all for your replies. I've taken another photo of the seedling and tried to compare it to images I see online. Looks similar to me?
I guess what Im mainly wondering about is, is it a threat to the main bonsai? The roots competing etc.

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Not a threat--for now. Let it keep growing there and yes, it will become a problem . It's a weed. Remove it.
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