Question about mallsai juniper

L. Gayler

Reaction score
South Central Texas
I have a mallsai juniper procumbens nana that has a branch that was chopped when I got it. The question is if I recut the end will the branch continue to grow or is it a dead end now? If I could get it growing the tree may make a semi cascade later on. If it won't grow then I won't cut it and maybe kill it. I'm asking now so that I can plan what to do in the spring. I'm not doing anything to the juni now but fertilize and watering to help it grow a little and survive winter.
Any help and answers would be appreciated. Thanks.
The branch at the cut itself won't continue to grow, however you can get back budding near the cut that youu can grow. Once the bud grows and hardens (becomes woody), you can trim back to it. This becomes the new leader of the branch. You can also wire it to minimize the angle the new branch made to the old one. If you pick a bud on the front side of the old branch and trim back correctly, no one will be able to tell it was cut unless they look at the back of the tree.
It may depend. I've had junipers where most of the branch have been jinned and lo and behold growth was thrown out from the branch crotch from the area that still had some bark; go figure.
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