Quercus Alba (White Oak) #65

Whoever labeled tree made error. Maybe in White Oak group but leaves all wrong for Q. alba. Love the tree and leaves anyway😘.
My guess would be swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor). The shape of the leaves, but more importantly that pale orangy brown coloration remind me of it. The true white oak (Quercus alba) tends to have more reddish burgundy fall color.
Very possible... my tree guide doesnt show that swamp white is common in the Pennsylvania mountains where I collected the acorns, but I dont think it's out of the question. Audubon guide states red to brown leaves, which matches pretty closely. Another possibility it chinkapin oak or chestnut oak. The tree is only a couple years old so the leaves may slowly take on a more mature shape in the future.
Also could be Q. montana:confused:. After check of other leaves mentioned lean most heavily this way. Buds also diagnostic for oaks if can get good pics of same. Might suggest shallower pot unless planning on growing Cascade tree. Also why fancy pot so soon unless wanting tiny tree with big leaves? New leaves of Spring tree brings strong yearning for Spring 2022🥺. Only 5 months more.
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Will look at Montana as possibility.

Pot is big because it's what I had when I repotted. Just want some decent growth on it for now.
Here's a good guide to Eastern Oaks:

Quercus montana isn't in there, but that well may be it. Or Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa).

The closest ones in the PDF, to my eye, are Swamp white (p14), Swamp chestnut (p60), Chinkapin (p82).
Whatever it is, it grew well this year. Low branch died off, but i think ill get back buds and can develop the branch above it.

I second Quercus Montana, the chestnut oak, they are quite common all over the eastern us including Pennsylvania. I have several myself. The leaves will get fairly large if you give it enough room. You got a pretty sweet little one.
End of year. Added some ramification and branching but needs a proper pog in a year or two, as well as some growth up top. Would like to do something with right branch but not sure what. Can always let it grow.

Buds swelling. Should have leaves mid to end of this week. Think of repotting next year.

So, i have a pot chosen which i think would look ok for now... just a red glazed pot. I think it will look good with the yellow fall leaves. I removed the wire in the first picture and rewired the cascading branch and bringing the back upper main trunk forward. Sun had hightailed it out of the sky within like.. 6 minutes.

This year did pretty good. Have a better vision for where the tree will be going. Next year I'll repot it into the red glazed pot above. It needs a nicer pot at this point. It's 5th birthday will be next spring so... It will be a nice gift!

I removed the wire applied in august. Tree gained about 1/10th of an inch in thickness but I think below the soil it is a little thicker. Will see when I repot.
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Repotted tonight. Of course forgot to take a photo of the nebari which is coming along but after it leafs out and settles in, Ill try to reveal a little. As I thought it flares out below the surface nicely with radial roots all around. It will make a nice shohin. It had one large root which was cut back hard.

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