I don't know... I hear that all the time, maybe it varies among species, but I have had one about 18 months now.. And even after Two big prunings last year, I let it grow the second half of the growing season... And WOW! It grew FAST! The trunk has expanded at a normal rate comparable to Maples or Elms I have owned in the past but The main first branch grew about 3-4 feet in just a couple months!!.. thickening from a tiny little whip to a branch I am now thinking may be too thick to use.., the trunk expanded from maybe an inch to an inch and a half... Seems to be growing, widening and increasing girth at a normal rate to me... And this is a potted plant... In about a one gallon short nursery can with a peat based potting soil...
My newest Pyracantha is more of a dwarfed variety I believe, but I plan on pretty small trees with both, so a massive trunk is not necessary.
Also, they seem to root quite easy and FAST from cuttings, which is something I love about them! I repotted a couple cuttings from the fast growing one today actually, and the roots grow as fast as the branches! The pot was slam full of roots wrapping around the bottom of the pot- and these cuttings were taken... Maybe June of last year. Pretty late in the season for cuttings to have overgrown a pot with roots!
Again, it may just vary a lot depending on the variety of Pyracantha... Some seem to grow much larger than others.