Protecting Utah juniper in Louisiana


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So I got a Utah juniper that I really want to keep healthy. The tree has a bit of dead wood. I am afraid that the humid environment of Louisiana will cause excessive rot of the deadwood. I am still waiting for the tree to recover from collection so no styling or repotting yet. I am thinking about using either lime sulfur or wood hardener to protect the dead wood. Is that OK?
I have two Utah junipers in the Memphis area. Our climate is humid; we do not have an issue with excessive rot on deadwood. I do clean the hardwood and apply lime sulfur twice a year. You can use a PC petrifier for additional protection. I haven't had to use it on my Utah, but I have used it on the Blue Alps.
I have lived in Utah my whole life and the humidity in Louisiana would for sure kill me. But seriously I need to actually go find one for myself.
In Houston I was taught to use a product called CPES - Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer. This is an incredibly thin product which penetrates deep into the deadwood and protects against rot. Lime sulfur is applied prior to the CPES and allowed to dry thoroughly to achieve the desired look. It is also important to remove any material already rotted, anything soft/punky.

I used CPES very successful on my deadwood projects even those that went below soil level and were regularly exposed to water. This was after unsuccessful attempts using PC Petrifier and some other Epoxy products which seemed to trap/hold moisture deep inside the deadwood.

The CPES has a glossy look to it at first but weathers very well.

It's not cheap but worth every penny if you want to preserve your sensitive deadwood in humid environments. It's also nasty stuff so be sure to use the proper PPE:
Utah junipers have the hardest/densest wood of the western juniper species. Far more resistant to rot that RMJ, sierra, and CA junipers. Lime sulfur will help. I doubt you'll need wood hardener.
So I got a Utah juniper that I really want to keep healthy. The tree has a bit of dead wood. I am afraid that the humid environment of Louisiana will cause excessive rot of the deadwood. I am still waiting for the tree to recover from collection so no styling or repotting yet. I am thinking about using either lime sulfur or wood hardener to protect the dead wood. Is that OK?
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