Hello Friends!!
Do you have a hard time finding plant material grown and developed for bonsai? Here is your opportunity to purchase a variety of plant species that has been developed with bonsai in mind. This is by no means finished material...it is plant stock that has been propagated, grown from seed, collected, or mature material that has been acquired through nurseries and is ready for you to take to the next stages of bonsai development.
Although we may have a few more finished trees, the main focus of this event is to provide pre-bonsai material that is typically very hard to find for many hobbyists and specifically developed for use as bonsai. In addition, the prices will be very reasonable!
Species include various satsuki azalea, Japanese maple, native elms, crape myrtle, shimpaku juniper, bald cypress, water elm, hornbeam, and more.
Ken Duncan, owner of Tall Pines Bonsai, and John Geanangel are hosting this event and providing the plant material that will be for sale. Ken has been growing bonsai for over 40 years now and is an expert propagator and a skilled developer of quality material. John's specialty is developing quality material from old nursery stock. Both John and Ken are avid collectors of local species including winged elm, hornbeam, bald cypress, and water elm.
The event will be held from 9am until 4pm at the SC State Farmers Market (map available at this link http://www.scstatefarmersmarket.com/) which is convenient to Interstates 26, 77, and 20. Columbia is basically 3 hours from Atlanta(I20) and 1.5 Hours from Charlotte(I77), Greenville/Spartanburg(I26), and Charleston(I26). If you are coming north on I95, the farmers market is just shy of hour from the intersection of I26 and I95. Address for the farmers market - 3483 Charleston Highway, West Columbia, SC 29172
If you have questions or material requests please contact me via pm. You can find a little more information here -
Plant Sale
Ken and I hope to see you there!!!
Do you have a hard time finding plant material grown and developed for bonsai? Here is your opportunity to purchase a variety of plant species that has been developed with bonsai in mind. This is by no means finished material...it is plant stock that has been propagated, grown from seed, collected, or mature material that has been acquired through nurseries and is ready for you to take to the next stages of bonsai development.
Although we may have a few more finished trees, the main focus of this event is to provide pre-bonsai material that is typically very hard to find for many hobbyists and specifically developed for use as bonsai. In addition, the prices will be very reasonable!
Species include various satsuki azalea, Japanese maple, native elms, crape myrtle, shimpaku juniper, bald cypress, water elm, hornbeam, and more.
Ken Duncan, owner of Tall Pines Bonsai, and John Geanangel are hosting this event and providing the plant material that will be for sale. Ken has been growing bonsai for over 40 years now and is an expert propagator and a skilled developer of quality material. John's specialty is developing quality material from old nursery stock. Both John and Ken are avid collectors of local species including winged elm, hornbeam, bald cypress, and water elm.
The event will be held from 9am until 4pm at the SC State Farmers Market (map available at this link http://www.scstatefarmersmarket.com/) which is convenient to Interstates 26, 77, and 20. Columbia is basically 3 hours from Atlanta(I20) and 1.5 Hours from Charlotte(I77), Greenville/Spartanburg(I26), and Charleston(I26). If you are coming north on I95, the farmers market is just shy of hour from the intersection of I26 and I95. Address for the farmers market - 3483 Charleston Highway, West Columbia, SC 29172
If you have questions or material requests please contact me via pm. You can find a little more information here -
Plant Sale
Ken and I hope to see you there!!!