Powderpuff styling planning


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Houston, TX
I've had this Powderpuff for a lil while and it seems happy to grow out on my porch. but i've been looking at it, and can't really figure out what I want to try and do with it come spring. Any way to deal with that big clump of branches at the top? or should i make a chop just under that?

Any tips or maybe have any other powderpuff bonsai for inspiration? Seems harder to find online than most other bonsai, for good specimens/inspiration, that i've searched for

edit: Fixed the pictures lol.


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Very lovely trees. One sure thing needs trunk movement added so cut back needed down low🤔.
I would wait with the cut back until spring, when it is safe to put the tree back outside for best growth.

How low? Powderpuff back bud fairly well. Think about what the final height of Bonsai you would like. Then cut down to about a third of that height. You can go as low as a quarter of the future planned height or a little higher than a third, but somewhere around a third of planned finished height will work well.

A general formula for Bonsai is first third is trunk, second third of height is primary branching, final third is fine twigs and leaves. Sounds like a boring formula, but trees never respond exactly to plan, if you follow this guide, your tree will be both pleasant and have its own unique variations away from the plan that will make it look wild and natural.
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