Pot history

Dale is on FB.
Have not seen him around here in some time.
There is not really much of a story here?
This was a commissioned pot that I made for a good friend. He told me pretty much what he wanted. This first version wound up too long and too wide which happens sometimes when making ovals and stretching them from a thrown round. Sometimes I just guess wrong at the size of the thrown round rim I need to start with before pulling into an oval.
The pot is a very dark brown that is enhanced by a stipled band of a lighter brown. Both are treated with oxides after bisque firing.
My friend wanted a drippy green glaze that he thought would go well with the arborvitea that he planned to plant into the pot. He wanted an OHIO pot for his Ohio tree, which btw, is now planted into another pot I made for him. It is now too deep since the tree is further along.
I overlayed one green glaze over another to get the color.
NOW, Too make one like it but the right size :>)
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The base clay you used is very dark but has lighter specks / highlights in it. I really like it - I can't say I have seen it before.

Additionally, you may not have planned this, but the dripping glaze almost looks like the night sky. The pot, in a somewhat surreal way, makes me think of the night sky over hills.

I may have to ask you to make me one :) This pot, however, fits into my category of "too nice to put a tree into it" :)
The pictures above ( sorry, trying to figure ut how to post pics) are of the Arborvitae , Eastern White cedar, as it is now in the pot I also made as a commission for my friend Mitch Alan Boatman. He requested an unglazed pot with the Ohio Serpent Mound on it. If you are from around Ohio you will have learned about this in school. If not, you can google it. The mound image was traced onto paper and then cut out, and then cut and reassembled shorter in scale to get the height/length that Mitch wanted on the pot. This pot is the same clay as the base clay of the new pot.
My mom grew up in Euclid and almost my entire family went to Miami University :) I love Ohio...

I'll send you a PM about costs for commissioned pots... really great work - thank you for sharing!
Please 'like' my Facebook page WILD THINGS BONSAI STUDIO AND YAKIMONO NO KOKORO BONSAI POTS for more pot stuff. :>)
How cool is that? I lived near there as a young man and visited several times. Neat to see it on a pot.

Scott, did not know you lived there. I lived in Dayton when I was working in Wright-Patterson before moving down to Houston. Had taken kids to Serpent Mound a couple of times.
Scott, did not know you lived there. I lived in Dayton when I was working in Wright-Patterson before moving down to Houston. Had taken kids to Serpent Mound a couple of times.

Small world, Hoe. We used to go to the commissary at Wright-Patterson all the time back in the 70s.

Is that where they dissected the aliens from Roswell?
That was the rumour. In the basement where I worked, they have a fighter jet canopy showing damage caused by impacting bird. I was told they used to shoot chicken at high speed to test the impact damage, after animal right protests, they substituted with dead chickens. That I had seen, no aliens.
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