Portulacaria Indoor Setup


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Barrington, IL
tl;dr: Is this enough lighting for these (4) plants?

Here's my indoor setup for the wet and cold season here in Northern California. My Portulacaria could live outdoors, but it's getting cold enough at night that I believe it's drastically slowing their growth.
They now get sunlight from this south facing window, plus the new LED light I picked up at Home Depot. This light is incredibly bright - so bright that I can't be in the same room for very long as I get a headache. It's 120w LED full spectrum grow light.
Let me know your feedback on the setup. I don't know how this light, when placed closely, compares to direct sunlight outdoors.

From left to right:
1) Variegated P. Afra
2) Small "informal upright" P.Afra in training
3) Cork Back P.Afra
4) Large P.Afra trunk with new growth on top. Unsure what I'll do with this one.
Here's the light! It was expensive but I wanted something powerful to get a lot of growth this season.

Keep an eye on neighbors trash for the kinds of back-of-the-door dressing mirrors that used to be commonly screwed to bedroom doors. They can fit under plants on shelves, or sideways and tilted on the wall to increase light distribution. Plastic is chintzy-er, but better than glass.
Keep an eye on neighbors trash for the kinds of back-of-the-door dressing mirrors that used to be commonly screwed to bedroom doors. They can fit under plants on shelves, or sideways and tilted on the wall to increase light distribution. Plastic is chintzy-er, but better than glass.
That's a great suggestion to put a mirror down as your surface to reflect some of that light back up and get a little more mileage out of it. Neat idea.
Back in the day I shared this idea with Thomas Edison. Did the same thing with only candles for light for a surgeon who needed better light than was possible for night-time emergency surgeries. Old Tom became famous for the idea and conveniently left me out of it.
I didn't know him. But it's possible he sold my thunder, too. There are a lot of lying & thieving bastards out there...
  • Haha
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