Pinus Rigida ROR Forest


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Central NJ
Tossed this together a couple years ago with spare pitch pine seedlings. Here it is after growing for a couple years. The root over rock aspect i am keeping low-key and subtle. Plan to do a wiring on it this year so decided to start a dedicated thread. Its got strong extensions on the candles.

There hard to locate here . I have 3 young trees . 2 gallon pot. Raised for reforestation . I have a question the leaves on mine are noticeable more yellow . The older needles are more green . They are healthy that’s not the concern just the colour , from the few I have seen older trees seem to have improved . Leaf colour . Would you agree or is what I have . What I’m going to akways have thank you . I like your forest . Have a real soft spot for ROR . Conifers they are harder . But more natural for my taste
Some of mine are more yellow also. Havent given it much thought other than something on my part. The trees in nature dont have different colored needles really.
One of the trees is showing some discoloration on the needles. Any thoughts? This has happened over past few days.

Thinking of treating with systemic. I added some slow release fertilizer today, just to get some nutrient uptake into them as theyve only been lightly fertilized prior.

The algae, the mushrooms growing in the box and the pillbug I see in the picture of the bottom of the box indicate that the soil is staying too wet.
This could be causing a root issue and your discoloration.

Could also be a fungus

I think I see some scale on some of those needles too, hard to tell

Could be a combo of the above
Thanks. Will spray for scale.. maybe ill drill a few more drainage holes as well.

Will also raise to get more air under the pot.
Had good flush this year. Next year will repot and adjust. May wire this if I get some time.

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View attachment 555053
Looks good I have a few young ones . From a reforestation nursery . Myself I think the most interesting thing about . These trees for bonsai . Is there the only pine I’m aware of that will sprout from bare wood . Even from stumps in the wild . This feature alone . Creates opportunities un available in other pines .
Did some work on this. Main task was choosing a future front and guy wiring the key back tree into a better location.


New Front. The guy wired tree has great.movement and roots over the rock but needed to be pulled into view. Im letting the low suckers help thicken the base. When I repot, I may be able to rearrange a couple roots to be more spread out over the rock.
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