Pinus Parviflora early germination

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Hello all, I collected some seeds from a Japanese white pine (glauca) this fall (about 2 months ago now). I followed some recommendations that the seeds should first be scarified, then soaked, then placed in vermiculite for around 60 days in room temp, followed by 90 days cold strat. Well, this morning I went to spray the seeds (which are still in the room temp stage) and slap me if I wasn't surprised to find one seed having germinated. I cannot fathom how this has happened before any type of cold stratification but here we are. So what do I do? I'm in Sweden 6B, It's in the middle of December and although it's currently around 4°C we will have frosts until the beginning of April or end of March. So, I will pot the seed up but then what, outside or keep it inside? Will it survive such a long period without dormant temps aka December til November? I'm guessing if I put it outside it will die by next frost. I didn't plan for this 😅 help!


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Forget fathoming. Germination instructions generally not read by seeds or trees🤣. Often does no harm to ignore same. Best personal suggestion is keep at COOL(if possible)temps but provide strong full spectrum grow lights for daytime on trees until safe warmer weather arrives. Light should not be so close as to burn trees. Maybe 15-20 inches away. First period of trees growth should not need Winter cold period so no worry for that however would be careful to avoid any frost first Spring after being babied indoors☺️.
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If it's one seed that popped, you saw nothing. Ignore it.
If it's more than 50% of your seeds, 4°C should be fine. Everything as low until -5°C is fine, below that, put them in a cool and well lit place.
Germination is good, but you can slow the rest of the process quite a bit with low temperatures.
If you're going to use lights, make sure they don't heat your plants too much. And make sure you provide some transition time when moving to actual sun, start in the shade for a week or two. The sun will be harsh when coming from grow lights.
Thanks for the tips guys! Hoping it's just the one for now and that the rest will pop at a later date. It does excite me to know that germination of the rest of the seeds seem quite possible at least 😁
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