Ping's juniper - Juniperus Pingii


Imperial Masterpiece
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So you like procumbens, but not their creeping habit?
You like squamata but hate the weird spiky foliage?
The stricta variety of chinensis is just too rigid?

Well, let me present to you: Ping's juniper!
The foliage is softer than procumbens nana. It grows upright, so no weird creeping.
Pads seem to work as most needle junipers, but the lignification is way slower. You want to bend a trunk? Pinky strength is enough, this wood is floppy.

I'm wondering if there are any people out there that have tried it.
I'll upload a picture of mine later, whenever I see new growth. But thus far it's looking like a perfect beginner juniper because it has a bunch of good things and not much of the bad things.
Very soft wood for a juniper, same for the foliage.
It'll take ages for branches to set is my guess. But that depends on the growth rate of course.
Sure looks like the j.c.sargenti that I have, which given foot room builds nice trunk.
Much much better than procumbens.
Very susceptible to spider mites.
What does the J.C. stand for?
It doesn't look like juniperus chinensis to me, and almost exactly like my pingii. But I might have missed out on other needle juniper varieties that have a C in their name.
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