I trunk chopped a pin oak and cut up all of the remaining pieces for cuttings they range from pencil thick to an inch. I took the cuttings in May. I made a batch of sterile soil 10% organic 90% napa floor dry. I put them all in a 20 gal long fish tank in my garage by the window and covered with clear plastic. Gets very humid and I open once a day to air things out or add a bit of water if needed.
right now I have about 80% growing leaves and stems and such. I actually had to prune one because it was outgrowing the tank. Im confused because they are all growing well but zero have any roots. They are all reaching the top of the tank and at this point my idea is to get 4 sticks to now drape the plastic over so I can give them another 12" of growing space.
Is there a trick to get those roots to start growing? Or am I going to have to keep building up my tower of plastic?
BTW I have one I keep checking for roots and there are none but its growing very well.
right now I have about 80% growing leaves and stems and such. I actually had to prune one because it was outgrowing the tank. Im confused because they are all growing well but zero have any roots. They are all reaching the top of the tank and at this point my idea is to get 4 sticks to now drape the plastic over so I can give them another 12" of growing space.
Is there a trick to get those roots to start growing? Or am I going to have to keep building up my tower of plastic?
BTW I have one I keep checking for roots and there are none but its growing very well.