Pictures of American Persimmon


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The Delmarva Peninsula
I'm not sure how good they are for bonsai because they have large leaves - though I am going to be experimenting with them. I've got some in landscape and four more in gallon pots that are about to go into landscape. They are deciduous so right now they don't look like much of anything.
I'm not sure how good they are for bonsai because they have large leaves - though I am going to be experimenting with them. I've got some in landscape and four more in gallon pots that are about to go into landscape. They are deciduous so right now they don't look like much of anything.
I'm in the same boat- I bought one from a landscaper that went out of business maybe three years ago- it's planted in a 5 gallon pot as of now. Lower bark is just starting to show a little texture, but it is ramrod straight. I did nothing last year, but this coming spring I will start to work it a bit. Might start a thread, but honestly it's not great. It'll have to end up as some sort up uninteresting upright.

I have two smaller ones in pots that I might wire this year, and I planted a fourth that's about 8 feet high as a landscape tree. I went crazy in the hopes that I got both sexes to produce fruits. I was also adamant to get actual American persimmon and not grafted cultivars. There's a beautiful one near me that is an Amer. base with amazing bark and then a graft above. It produces loads of fruit, but all are sterile and have no seeds.
I've got a large female tree in landscape - and a number of what I have to assume are medium-sized seedlings underneath. I have never seen fruit on the smaller trees (8' tall or so), so perhaps they are all males. These are all native trees - non-grafted. I didn't even know I had it until a tornado knocked down a few pines on our property - sparing this tree.
This is my 5 year old persimmon. It's a Weber cultivar grafted on D. virginiana stock. Purchased from Edible Landscaping in Afton, Virginia. It bloomed and produced fruit this past year (3 fruits but I cut them off about 1 month after they formed). Flowers are very small and green, so raher insignificant. I tried this year to reduce the leaf size with partial defoliation and that seemed successful.


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We had a huge persimmon in our front yard till someone ran into it with a uhaul truck, was planning on doing some air layers but that isn't gonna happen now. As much as persimmon like to sucker from roots, I may attempt some root cuttings and see what happens. The stump has a ton of new leaders, had to be cut pretty low as it was going to fall over otherwise
I have some that are growing from seed, but they are only 2 years old. I collected the fruit from a tree on a wooded lot near my house, so I assume it was a wild tree and not a cultivar or grafted tree. Sadly, that part of the lot was bulldozed this year, so the parent tree is gone now. I was originally going to attempt to make something of them, but will probably plant them in my yard instead.
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