If it wasn't for the discovery of base 10 numbers, algebra, geometry, calculus, physics, circuitry, programming, would it be easy to simply wake up one day and invent it all without any education based on previous knowledge? Coming up with cell phones, computers, the electrical grid is all just obvious stuff right? Wrong....it took generations upon generations of innovation that built upon previous knowledge, and correcting mistakes of past knowledge to continue building upon it. That's why we go to school, and college- because everyone isn't expected to invent everything from scratch.
Consensus morality, religion, language, rituals all evolved simultaneously over time and built upon previous knowledge as well. Having respect, generosity, forgiveness for one another are core components of religions like Christianity, and those teachings were revolutionary when Jesus preached them in the Roman province of Palestine to the point that they had him executed...*He is speaking to women, lepers, the disabled, criminals, adulterers, gentiles as equals in public?! speaking out against fixation on money!? all people should have a chance to be redeemed and forgiven for their wrongs? kill him!* . Authorities were shocked and concerned that Jesus was attracting so many followers, and they were afraid that it would threaten their authority and the convenient hierarchy of the time. The Sanhedrin and Pilate agreed that he had to go....
What I'm seeing a lot of in this thread is- "nowadays Christians are xyz....Christians were slavers so I dont care..." you have to separate the core principles of Jesus's teachings from the average sinner. Christ's teachings and the Church's actions are not the same by any means and you cannot conflate the two as a way to disregard the original teachings as immoral rubbish.
People strayed from the path to pursue w/e they wanted throughout history. I am of the opinion that those in power during the Atlantic slave trade, scumbag plantation owners of the South and of other slaveholding nations of the West were extremely evil people who were only nominally Christian(to make themselves feel good about their own redemption) but in not practice. If Jesus witnessed any of that, he would have condemned it, and then they would have executed Christ for getting in the way of course...
If you could delete all knowledge of religion from all of history, from where would these morals have evolved? Perhaps they would have emerged somehow but the fact is that we will never know. The fact is that morality and religion evolved as an intertwined package until the Enlightenment.
I think that people are bringing their own personal biases against religion to the discussion with the notion that selfless atheism could have popped out of thin air during the bronze age and we would still have arrived at the same moral consensus today somehow.
Modern moral atheists have a lot in common with moral religious people minus the metaphysical beliefs. And the fact is that not a lot of atheists come from a long line of centuries of atheists, they inherit many of their morals from their nominally or devoutly religious parents, grandparents, etc. I am an atheist who was raised Catholic, I simply shed the 'magical' stuff and kept the morality components.
Son of god or not, Jesus was an extremely influential philosopher who had good things to say about how humans should treat one another, and modern Christians behaving badly is NOT his fault.