Peachtree bonsai inspiration


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Claremont, CA
Hello All,

I have 2 air-layered Peachtree stumps from my garden. They were growing to the wrong place so I was just going to chop them off anyway, thought I will work on my air layering skills. They rooted and I transferred them into the pot you see now with sphagnum moss in mid-March 2023. Once they developed more roots I will transfer both into a bigger pot and not mess with them until the next growing seasons.

The one on the left is about 2ft long, 2" in diameter, and the one in the middle is almost 2ft long and 1" in diameter. The one on the right is a cherry fruit tree.

Trying to find inspiration in the forum and online for them, please let me know if you can point me in the right direction. All feedback is welcome!

I have never done well with peach as bonsai. They grow Ok but very vigorous growth that makes controlling and directing more difficult.
Long term, peaches suffer from a range of pests and diseases that can cause added problems.
Just not worth the effort IMHO but hope you have much better luck
Why you gotta rain on my parade @Shibui 🤣 I am getting ready to airlayer a portion of my peach tree to start growing it for a bonsai. According to the nursery it's a peppermint, but this is the second year and the flowers are a strong bright fuchsia color.

@memehongkong I will be following this to see how they do as well. This is not the first time I hear they are difficult to deal with, unfortunately I wasn't aware of that until a few months after I bought mine. One thing though, they flower nicely so as long as mine don't die it will be on the garden in one way or another. Good luck!
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