Hello, I was looking for a forum on bonsainut that was dedicated to issues specific to the climate in the pacific northwest and I could not find one. So, I decided to start one. My goal is to collect advice from people who have been growing bonsai in the various climates in the PNW, share info about local resources, what kind of soil mix people are having success with for the various species that are being grown, rules, regulations and guidance about Yamodori collection in our area etc.
My first questions have to do with soil mixes that people have used successfully for development and then refinement of the following (in pots, outside of course)
Chinese elm
pine (black pine)
Cypress (Hinoki, sawara)
I did not know what to use when I potted most of them. They are surviving but I can't say thriving in the miracle grow potting soil + a few handfuls of pumice that I used for most of these trees. I think the soil is probably retaining more water than is idea in the rainy months in Seattle.
If nobody has any good information to share about this then I will experiment and post my experience to this thread.
My first questions have to do with soil mixes that people have used successfully for development and then refinement of the following (in pots, outside of course)
Chinese elm
pine (black pine)
Cypress (Hinoki, sawara)
I did not know what to use when I potted most of them. They are surviving but I can't say thriving in the miracle grow potting soil + a few handfuls of pumice that I used for most of these trees. I think the soil is probably retaining more water than is idea in the rainy months in Seattle.
If nobody has any good information to share about this then I will experiment and post my experience to this thread.