David wv
I want to find a black pine that I can start the development stage on, for around $200 or less. It doesn't have to be huge but something that has mature bark or will start to developing good bark in a few years. Is this possible for that price and where from? I don't have any bonsai nurseries near me, that I know of. Adam's is the only one kind of close, I do want to visit him soon though. What do you all think of the dwarf cork bark Japanese black pine, international bonsai is offering this year. Is that a good deal?
I have a ton of trees but nothing that is near being ready to start refining. I want something I can start working with and seeing results, not just let grow out like most of the trees I have. I really want to get more into pines, I might could even go for a scots pine if it was nice enough. I know there are a ton of bonsai nurseries in California, does anyone know of a good place to get a nice pine like I am talking about, that I can order online. And if it was from California would it survive the change of environment from there to West Va.
I have a ton of trees but nothing that is near being ready to start refining. I want something I can start working with and seeing results, not just let grow out like most of the trees I have. I really want to get more into pines, I might could even go for a scots pine if it was nice enough. I know there are a ton of bonsai nurseries in California, does anyone know of a good place to get a nice pine like I am talking about, that I can order online. And if it was from California would it survive the change of environment from there to West Va.