Those are accumulating minerals. Most often calcium carbonate. As soil dries out, moisture wicks to the surface of the soil, as the soil surface gets dry, it leaves behind any minerals that were dissolved in the water. Your tap water probably has only a few hundred parts per million concentration of dissolved minerals, but over time, many cycles of watering the pot, then letting it approach dry, these minerals accumulate as a crust on the surface of the soil. And just like coffee stains on a tablecloth or a piece of paper. The mineral accumulation tends to be thickest at the edges of the soil, right were the soil meets the pot, and water wicks onto the pot and carries the minerals there. Generally the minerals are mostly calcium carbonate, and possibly calcium sulfate, perhaps a little iron sulfate to give the brownish color. None of these are very soluble in water, so once deposited they do not re-dissolve easily. Fertilizer in your water can contribute to the accumulation too. Some of the mineral crust will be phosphates from your fertilizer that you have been using.
The summary is, this is normal accumulation of minerals from your water & fertilizer. Repotting, and cleaning the pot with a "safe for Teflon coating" scrub pad will remove most of the "gunk" from the pot. Take the tree out of the pot, clean the pot, repot the tree with fresh bonsai potting media.
The "crud" is not harmful, it is primarily unsightly. So there is no "emergency", the repotting can wait until the appropriate season to repot the particular tree in the pot. Do the repotting sometime within the next 2 years.