Could be a White Oak, blackjack oak, or any number of species. It is very hard to tell oak species apart from region to region in the U.S. Asking about it here will only provide a lot of guesses with no real answers--unless a fellow Oklahoman chimes in...
The willow oaks and white oaks in Texas, for instance, are very different in appearance from the same here in Va. I would be hard pressed to ID a Texas Willow oak leaf from a Virginia Willow oak leaf. I was reminded of that when I was down in East TX last week...
The best solution would be to check with local county agricultural agent or a local tree guidebook (which should be in every bonsaiist's tool bag).
As for bonsai-ability, that's a crap shoot. White oak species are not easy to make bonsai out of. They mostly have huge tap roots that can be sensitive when collecting. Leaves can sometimes come in larger in bonsai cultivation, rather than reduce...If you're set on collecting it, you're going to have to "pioneer" collection and cultivation. Native oaks are not all that common for bonsai in the U.S.