not sure what type?


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Lancaster, CA
Hello, I got this new tree from a local person who was getting rid of some of his stock for really cheap (so I didnt really care if it was amazing or not, its something to learn on) and I picked up this juniper for $15. I just wanted to post some pictures and get some opinions/suggestions on where I should go with it as well as any general information you might want to share, I have done a fair bit of research but its always nice to hear things again as a reinforcement! =) thanks in advance!

I do apologise if any of the pictures aren't that great, I had to take them with my phone

Pictures are fine. The juniper (probably Chinese juniper of some sort) looks healthy. It is in dire need of a considerable haircut, perhaps by 1/3. The soil it is in looks terrible, but this is NOT the time to transplant, so be VERY careful the tree doesn't stay too wet.

Keep a half chopstick jammed in the soil. Remove it every day and feel the dirty end. If it is at all damp, do NOT water. If it feels DRY, water from the top until it flows out the drainage hole.

I hope you understand that junipers are not to be kept inside, but should be outside all the time.
Yeah its outside, just brought it in for pictures XD Yeah I kinda thought the soil was way too wet...I haven't watered it at all, I got it yesterday and its still pretty damp so I'll just go with the chopstick method and be careful
Thanks both of you! I do have a question about the little nubs along the trunk where branches have been removed in the past....i dont really like how they look cause its just so obviously a cut branch, is there a way to take those off (not right away but eventually)? Or should i just not mess with them at all? Thanks again! Im just getting started so I have lots to learn XD
Looks procumbens nana to me. 99.9999% sure it's not San Jose. I believe another name is green mound juniper.
Thanks everyone, I was able to get back in touch with the guy I bought it from and he said it is indeed a procumbens! I did a little minor work on it today, mostly just really looking at what branches I have and pulling out any dead needles. I also took a few branches off that were crossing others or growing straight down. I know it needs a haircut overall but i don't want to do too much...
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