Anyone know a place I could find any Nick Lenz pots? I'm specifically looking for something glazed (especially like his blue glazes). They don't pop up often and I'm always looking...
Anyone know a place I could find any Nick Lenz pots? I'm specifically looking for something glazed (especially like his blue glazes). They don't pop up often and I'm always looking...
Appreciate the heads up -- I'll have to check with Teddi to see if they still have any. I'm crossing my fingers that I might find some at the Carolina expo.
Yeah, that's why I'm trying to get my hands on some now. I'm looking for anything under 14" and preferably glazed. I love his vibrant blue glazes, but I'm open to anything. This might be a case where I buy a tree to fit the pot...
Wasn't that long ago, that I went thru a similar search for michael Hagedorn pots. I was sucessful, so I wish you well with your search. I go off on these tangents from time to time. Most difficult one was finding, paying for and shipping pots from the UK. Derek Aspinal as one example.