Nice article on Yamaguchi Nursery


Spuds Moyogi
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Fairfax Va.
Thanks for sharing, this is indeed an excellent article. What could be more American than this story! It includes immigrants from multiple countries, folks working multiple jobs, and aspects of redlining, a terrible policy that we're still reckoning with today.

My critique of this article is the same as every other newspaper article I've read about bonsai. Show more of the trees!!
I visited the Yamaguchi Nursery many times over the years. Always a great experience. I had the honor once of walking through the bonsai trees and chatting with Mrs. Yamaguchi. She explained a lot of subtle nuances about the trees and their origins. An absolutely wonderful woman. All of the people at the nursery were terrific and always willing to help or answer questions. I was also always impressed when pulling up to park the car as there was a massively tall and thick tree with perhaps the most outstanding roots floating in connection to the ground I have ever seen. A magnificent sight. And all naturally tended to by nature.
it's really cool how trees can be an entry point to learning about this history of a place; obviously in the woods that's kinda self-evident but it happens in urban areas too. there's a few old ume trees in my neighborhood, which was redlined because of the number of Central American and Japanese immigrants here. learning from those trees (and this hobby) opened up a whole world for me
I visited the Yamaguchi Nursery many times over the years. Always a great experience. I had the honor once of walking through the bonsai trees and chatting with Mrs. Yamaguchi. She explained a lot of subtle nuances about the trees and their origins. An absolutely wonderful woman. All of the people at the nursery were terrific and always willing to help or answer questions. I was also always impressed when pulling up to park the car as there was a massively tall and thick tree with perhaps the most outstanding roots floating in connection to the ground I have ever seen. A magnificent sight. And all naturally tended to by nature.

Ha! Very different experience than I had. I told her I’d sure like to get a look at those trees, her response was “I bet.”
Always great to see articles like this. The background of WHY the nursery is where it is, is an interesting tid bit.

Any relationship to Kristi Yamaguchi? I can't read the article as a non-La Times subscriber. For some reason that name has stuck with me since watching the 1992 Olympics when I was 10.
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