New to Bonsai - Yatsubusa Elm - Advice needed


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I'm new to Bonsai and have been educating myself with online resources and YouTube.

I was gifted a Yatsubusa Elm for my birthday this year. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I've watering regularly as I believe is fit. I've had this for over a month now and I've seen a huge decline in appearance. What were once nice greens leafs have turn brown. I figured my plant was dying on me. Then out of the blue, new growth started to appear on the bottom of the trunk.

I was giving up hope, but this new growth has me thinking that the plant still has a chance.

I'm looking for guidance an what steps to take from here on out to ensure this little plant will be healthy.

Pictures attached for reference.


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Is it possible it was reacting to a dramatically different climate than it was in before? They can tolerate pretty hot sun but if it came from somewhere cooler that may have caused it to shed it's leaves. For now I'd do morning sun afternoon shade, water when the soil is somewhat dry and ease it back to life. They're pretty hardy trees.
Is it possible it was reacting to a dramatically different climate than it was in before? They can tolerate pretty hot sun but if it came from somewhere cooler that may have caused it to shed it's leaves. For now I'd do morning sun afternoon shade, water when the soil is somewhat dry and ease it back to life. They're pretty hardy trees.
It was purchased at a local nursery, but we did hit days over 100° for a few weeks. Perhaps that was the cause?

I appreciate the feedback and will do my best to nurse this little guy back to health.

Do you recommend I remove the new growth on the bottom of the trunk or let it grow?
Let it grow of course! See if the top comes back. Then get cuttings... or let it grow to thicken the base and then get cuttings. Or let one be the new leader and then get cuttings. Always get cuttings... Unless it's a big enough chunk to air layer. Then air layer the air layering and get cuttings. Sorry just got out of work. LOL
Looking at your soil it’s very moisture retaining, you are more then likely over watering which causes root rot in elm, the trunk looks dead, scratch the bark and see if it’s green underneath? Most likely watering issues being new to the hobby, good luck!
Looking at your soil it’s very moisture retaining, you are more then likely over watering which causes root rot in elm, the trunk looks dead, scratch the bark and see if it’s green underneath? Most likely watering issues being new to the hobby, good luck!
Thank you for the feedback. I'll be more observing of the soil and understand when to water.
Let it grow of course! See if the top comes back. Then get cuttings... or let it grow to thicken the base and then get cuttings. Or let one be the new leader and then get cuttings. Always get cuttings... Unless it's a big enough chunk to air layer. Then air layer the air layering and get cuttings. Sorry just got out of work. LOL
So, cuttings... I'll do that! Thank you!
It was purchased at a local nursery, but we did hit days over 100° for a few weeks. Perhaps that was the cause?

I appreciate the feedback and will do my best to nurse this little guy back to health.

Do you recommend I remove the new growth on the bottom of the trunk or let it grow?
Yea this looks severely UNDERwatered to me. An elm isn't going to turn brown like that in just a few weeks from wetness.
Yea this looks severely UNDERwatered to me. An elm isn't going to turn brown like that in just a few weeks from wetness.
Going to keep an eye on it and hopefully the bottom growth continues to be healthy.

Learning the ropes and studying as much as possible.
It was purchased at a local nursery, but we did hit days over 100° for a few weeks. Perhaps that was the cause?

I appreciate the feedback and will do my best to nurse this little guy back to health.

Do you recommend I remove the new growth on the bottom of the trunk or let it grow?
Definitely keep the new growth until you get it back to full health. It'll need those leaves to photosynthesize as much food as they can.
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