New Olive, old trunk


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Los Angeles
Here's my new Olive I picked up a few weeks ago. I ordered a new pot from Jack Hoover but sadly, it just wouldn't go in. So I put it in this one for now. I've got a new one (pictured)'ll have to wait till next year. I decided I liked the deadwood from top to bottom...stronger front. It'll take some time to fill in around back. It has multiple fronts, so I'm going with a round pot. The deadwood needs a little was a little soft in places, so did asome clean up. Question: The leaves have a hard water residue on them from it's previous home that I can't get off. Any ideas? The new growth looks much nicer:) The soil was pretty compacted. It had been slip potted into straight Akadama...I think the tree is much happier. It's been over a month. Thanks for looking.
BTW, the cedar stand it's sitting on is custom made by me. An outdoor stand. Currently no stain or finish. It's listed on Bonsai Classified"s. PM me if interested:)


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Overwhelming worries, I found the answer to my question.
Sorry, I can't help you with your question but that's a very stately tree. I like it!
Nice tree. Powerful base and nice taper to the top. I like view 1 best, but I see the dilemma of choosing a front. Many good choices. As far as your hard water stains, I think you just have to wait it out. Several years ago I bought a Bald Cypress from down south. The pot, the trunk, the tops of the roots were all coated with hard water build up. Time will take care of it.

It made me glad for the quality water I have access to. I don't know how people do bonsai in hard water situations.

Beautiful tree. I like the first picture. I too have the same issue with residue on the leaves due to hard-water. Could you share the treatment suggested to you?

Thanks, Vince
Nice tree. Powerful base and nice taper to the top. I like view 1 best,...
I agree. :)

Sorry cannot help you with the hardwater buildup on leaves. Otherwise, I would have posted a response the minute you posted this. ;)
Thanks for the responses...Yes, a little vinegar and water is what I found.
Why wait until next year to repot? The best time for us to transplant olives is coming up in June, July and August.
Why wait until next year to repot? The best time for us to transplant olives is coming up in June, July and August.

Robert...based on a fair amount of reading, i decided to repot last month. The soil was VERY compacted. I did a fair amount of root work, so I think I'll let the tree rest for awhile. It has responded by pushing out some new growth. Interesting info at'm sure you're familiar. But hey, I'm all ears on tips for this tree:)
I've become a big fan of Dale Cochoy's pots...I just got the one he made for this tree. Jack Hoover's wasn't quite right...though I have plenty of trees that will work with his pots:)
I did a quick repot...eventually I want to bring the bottom back branch around to the left for's just peaking now.
What do ya'll think?


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